Sound Installation Sound Installation

Kunstmuseet KUBE 2009

Something Between

9. juli til 20. september 2009

Photography, video and sound installations

Istad mainly works with photography, but has also worked with video and sound. Her artistic profile (expression) shows that she is occupied by light, colour, space and movement, as well as the optical coherence or contrast between these dimensions. Istad in many ways applies an optic language whereby she creates images of optical space, where parts of the motive may represent recognizable elements, whereas others may appear veiled or even obscured.

The exhibition "Something Between" carries a flair of mysticism from The Far East, which represented a central element in giving atmosphere to the exhibited works. Istad has made numerous study tours, among others, to China, Israel and Spain. Her many visits to Japan is apparent from some of the titles of the exhibited works, details from Japanese urban life, history and culture. "Something between" comprises works of photo, video and sound installation.

Istad arbeider i hovedsak med foto som medie, men har også arbeider innenfor video og lyd. Kunstuttrykket hennes viser at hun er opptatt av lys, farge, rom og bevegelse, samt disse elementenes optiske samhørighet eller kontrast til hverandre. Istad har på mange måter et poetisk formspråk hvor hun skaper optiske billedrom hvor deler av motivet kan være gjenkjennelige elementer for betrakteren, mens andre partier kan oppfattes tilsløret eller nærmest tåkebelagt.

Utstillingen Something Between bærer preg av Østens mystikk som blir et stemningsbærende element i de utstilte verkene. Istad har hatt flere studiereiser som blant annet til Kina, Israel og Spania. I tillegg har hun de senere årene vært flere ganger i Japan. Noe vi kan se ut fra flere av titlene på de utstilte verkene, som japanske bynavn, eller utsnitt av japansk byliv, historie og kultur. Utstillingen Something Between er bygget opp av ulike arbeid innenfor foto, video og lydinstallasjon.

Sound Installation<br />
1) 5:58 min. sound from the pilgrimage walk November 2008<br />
2) 6:43 min. sound from monks chanting October 2006<br />
3) 15:42 min. sound from Hiroshima around The Atomic Bomb Dome April 2007<br />
4) 7:13 min. sound from a walk at Fushimi Inari Shrine, Koyoto October 2006 Sound Installation
1) 5:58 min. sound from the pilgrimage walk November 2008
2) 6:43 min. sound from monks chanting October 2006
3) 15:42 min. sound from Hiroshima around The Atomic Bomb Dome April 2007
4) 7:13 min. sound from a walk at Fushimi Inari Shrine, Koyoto October 2006

Photography; 100x150 cm: Shibuya #01 and Hiroshima #01 Photography; 100x150 cm: Shibuya #01 and Hiroshima #01

Photography; 100x150 cm: Tokyo #18, Tokyo #14 and Aoyama #02 Photography; 100x150 cm: Tokyo #18, Tokyo #14 and Aoyama #02

Video: Sibir #01 #02 #03, 2008<br />
Flat screen x 3 size 7 inches Sibir #01 (2:24 min) , Sibir #03 (2:33 min), Sibir #02 (2:46 min)<br />
SYNOPSIS: The film is from a flight from Japan to Norway<br />
SOUND: No sound. Video: Sibir #01 #02 #03, 2008
Flat screen x 3 size 7 inches Sibir #01 (2:24 min) , Sibir #03 (2:33 min), Sibir #02 (2:46 min)
SYNOPSIS: The film is from a flight from Japan to Norway
SOUND: No sound.